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A new Mountain Dew flavor has seemingly appeared at Gas Stations

A user on the Facebook Group “Mountain Dew Fan Club” has posted a photo of a fountain machine at a Sinclair station in Montana that appears to show a never-before-seen-in-stores flavor of Mountain Dew: Mountain Dew with Huckleberry flavor. The original poster unfortunately did not provide any pictures of the liquid itself or describe the taste in much detail (I’ve reached out for clarification on both) - but they noted it was “Amazing”.

This is not the FIRST time Dew has dabbled in Huckleberry, however. Last month, at the Dew Outpost, Huckleberry was one of six unreleased flavors available for sampling. It was generally well received.



As of now we unfortunately do not have a lot of information about this flavor. Is it exclusive to Sinclair? Is it Original Mountain Dew with Huckleberry flavor shots added to it (ala Electric Apple at Villa) or its own original fountain flavor (like Dark Berry Bash at Applebees)? We are doing our due diligence to find out what we can about this new mysterious flavor and will post any updates we have right here. If you discover it please post your findings below! As always keep it posted right here for all things Dew.

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